
On a long ride challenges often arise that impact the schedule and/or route. Factors ranging from inclement weather to mechanical failures may deter us, but as motorcyclists we know that the journey usually proves more interesting than the destination. The International Journal of Motorcycle Studies has recently experienced one such challenge and as a result we failed to publish a Fall 2015 issue. We sincerely apologize to our readers for missing that issue and appreciate the many inquiries we received regarding future publication. I am pleased to announce that we are moving ahead with our Spring 2016 issue, but would like to call attention to the fact that we are doing so with only one longform article. Over the course of our history we have experienced ebbs and flows with respect to submissions, but since the Fall our tank has been near empty. Before we introduce this issue the editorial board would like to take a moment to humbly request that anyone considering the submission of his or her work please do so. Our future as a publication relies on scholarly submissions from authors and a community of readers and researchers and if you would like to see us continue along this path then we need your support. If interested in submitting your work please follow our submission process page and get your work to us ASAP.

In this issue David Walton examines risk and motorcycling, beginning with a personal account followed by a study of racing, in a piece entitled “Close Encounters of a Deadly Kind… Freedom, Riders, Road Racing and Risk.” Steve Koerner, an authority on the British motorcycle industry, reviews Brad Jones’ BSA Motorcycles – The Final Evolution. Christian Pierce touches upon motorcycles and their appearance in short films in a review of Cam Elkins’ Story of Bike series. Finally, Chris Potter reviews Dave Masters’ ‘Ixion’ of the Motor Cycle. The Fiery Wheel. (The First Motor Cycle Diarist). The Life and Times of Canon Basil H. Davies B.A. Regrettably, the work of Dave Masters is no longer in print, but an opportunity exists to see it transformed into digital form. If you are interested in this title and have any experience publishing books electronically, please contact us using this contact form and we can put you in touch with the author. Thanks again for taking time to visit our site and to read the work of our contributors listed above.

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