9th IJMS Conference Film Screenings

Pacific University Oregon
25–28 July, 2019

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Love of 2 Wheels | Friday 26 July, 2019 – 4:00–5:15 PM

Love of 2 Wheels, curated from the Web, is an assortment of shorts (experimental, low-fi, slick, and even eccentric) that will make you fall in love with riding, all over again, or not (curated from YouTube and Vimeo by Sheila Malone).

1. The Motorcycle Symphony (2018) by SuperHeroes (RT: 00:02:30)

2. The Motorcycle Girl (1993) by Stéphan Carpiaux (RT: 00:07:31)

3. WatchParts Motorcycles (2016) by Dan Tanenbaum (RT: 00:00:30 + 00:00:17)

4. Scrapyard-moped to Cafe-Racer in 5000 Photos (2018) by Mathis Ox (RT: 00:06:55)

5. ETSY: Handmade Portraits: Liberty Vintage Motorcycles (2011) by Andrew David Watson (RT: 00:04:05)

6a. How to Make Techno with a Motorcycle (2017) by Steven Hoes (RT: 00:05:17)

6b. How to Make Experimental Techno with a Motorcycle // Part 1 (2017) by Steven Hoes & AudioTent (RT: 00:04:06)

7. Clutch Motorcycle Paris (2015) by Trente Huit Films (RT: 00:04:53)

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